Let's see your paincave!

Do you mean where I hide them(?), or why they were hidden in the photos? :stuck_out_tongue:

either, both, pick one!
Glad to see you apply the N=N+1 equation to the guitars, too. Evidence to use in further arguments with SWMBO

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Haha, didn’t have any wider lens so I had to pick, either show more guitars or sacrifice balance in the photo :wink:

Well, one has to be able to have some toys right… Plus its mandatory to have an acoustic if one owns an electric…

SO plays guitar and we just got her a bike this week, so she’s on a good path, haha!

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Being furloughed due to COVID has certainly ensured that I have time on my hands. In an effort to be productive, I’ve been tweaking the garage Paincave that both my wife and I use.

I’ve also been trying to put my skills as a designer to use, creating some bespoke wall artwork. Think I’ve got the first of the set completed.


Old school Yeti ARC in the corner?

Certainly is my friend. 2008 ARC. I love that bike.

Nice poster art !! :+1:

Thank you buddy :grin:

I’m looking to do a series of posters based on famous cycling quotes. Might even look into getting them screen printed.


sign me up!

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Thank you for the support :+1:

I’ll look to share more when I’m in a solid position and I’ve gauged peoples reaction to the artwork.


For those even slightly interested in what a furloughed designer does with an idle mind… here is the second instalment in my cycling quote series :grin:


I’d buy that! Looks great!

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Great work again - I like the style ! :ok_hand:t2:

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That reminded me of a paragraph from an article about that phrase…

“We are not weighed down by the weight of our wheels, our seat post, or our shoes, but by the limitations of our heart, lungs, legs and diet. Reducing aerodynamic drag by three percent or wearing bib shorts made from a single sheet of graphene will have little effect. No amount of upgrades are going to improve the reflection in that shop front.”

I’d buy a mirror with that etched on it🤣


I work for DHHS. Lets hope the new restrictions get us out of the mess we’re now in… :frowning:

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here is my little Pain Cave in my Living Room:

when i am in high intervals, my dog sitting down in front of my Headwind!

normally he follow every command, but in high intervals i almost cry with him :rofl: :joy:


Thank you :+1: :grin:

He wants to keep cool as well.


We moved into a new house in the fall and it had an extra deep, two car garage so we decided to build out a garage gym. Not pictured is a 5#-50# set of dumbbells, a 75# sandbag, jump ropes, TRX bands, and some mobility equipment (bands, Hypervolt, etc). We love the setup and the only real changes we’ve made are some minor changes to the rack and hanging the clock.


For those who are interested, these are the final two pieces, completing the set of four. Now I need to source a decent gilcee or screen printer to output them. Friends birthday and Christmas presents sorted for a few years. Hope they like cycling… :joy:



Our baby is nearing the age where he’ll sleep in the crib in his own room and so it was decided the old paincave would be converted to baby cave (oh the sacrifices we make)

So I was tasked with setting up in the garage. This isn’t it’s final form. I think i’d like to replace the music stand and shelf with a single work table. I definitely need two screens but certainly not two laptops so perhaps a laptop with an external monitor or tv.

Edit: to note the AC. Definitely needed during the summer months in Southern Ontario. I’m not sure how I’ll fare in the winter. I’ll definitely need some sort of heater. What’s the consensus on the ideal temperature range? I know that starting out cold feels uncomfortable for about a few minutes before your body warms up but just wondering what I need to be aiming for. Anyone else in a similar climate in an uninsulated garage in the winter?