Graph: Y-axis scaling for HR and cadence

And for completeness, here is Zwift (for the same workout)

No Y-axis labeling. Weirdest auto-scale you could come up with. You can’t do a thing with it without the mouse-over. Color coding is neat (line, legend, mouse-over). In my humble opinion it’s the most awful one. I’m very used to the Sporttracks one (the first one above). I like the fact that the first variable gets shaded blocks; you put the thing you really care about first, and everything is simpler. And that first variable gets a zone overlay. This is not so useful for power in a TR workout, but really neat for pace or HR in a running workout.


That’s part of the visual signature of TR - on screen and in results. They’re not going to change it, it’s what makes TR instantly recognizable. It also has the big advantage of making workout difficulty immediately visible even in the tiny post-stamps in the calendar or workout library. That, the blue and the black are their sig.

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Yeah, this is the weirdest. It doesn’t even have a scale. And again HR appears completely compressed for no reason. I also like Sporttracks the best, and I didn’t even know they existed.

It’s a relatively cheap option for keeping all data together and analyzing it. I like it. I can do weekly running pace average graphs with weekly HR average, the works.

Fair enough about making power up to 200% their signature, and it does help immediately see difficulty.

Now imagine how much it would help to immediately see your HR if that, too, was always scaled from HR_rest to HR_max. Immediate, perfect visuals.


Bumping this after a year. The not-useful scale of the HR plot remains one of my biggest pet peeves about TR’s interface, especially given how simple and unobtrusive to TR’s layout/look the solution would be. Simply adding a HR-only scale to the “right” Y-axis would do it. Any chance we’ll see this happen? :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry that I dont have better news, I know this seems ‘simple’ or like an easy fix and I definitely can understand why you’re frustrated it hasnt had movement yet.
To speak to features like this moving up on the roadmap, it’s not that the team doesn’t these features that seem ‘easier’ aren’t important or useful, we definitely agree that it is!
We just have to prioritize updates that are the most effective at helping the greatest number of athletes possible get faster in the immediate future (such as incorporating unstructured rides into Adaptive Training, and refining Adaptive Training as a whole).

This podcast excerpt from Nate and Jon reiterates our messaging about how the timeline of feature requests work, its definitely worth a listen.