G8 2620 Arch Support Position

I have a set of G8 2620 insoles on the way and after reading a blog from a well respected bike fitter was wondering where people are getting the best fit for cycling.
The manufacturer recommends going as far forward as comfortable with the insert, while Steve Hogg recommends placing the insert back and in is the go for cycling.
My gut says trust the guy with years of experience fitting them into cycling shoes, but I am also interested in if people have also had success with following the manufacturers guidelines.

I have the G8 as well and love them. I think the key thing is to firstly figure out which arch support size is the right for you. How to do that I used one of the tons of out there tutorials.
And then I’d suggest you start with a rather neutral position and play with the position until you find the best for you. You should still feel them as they are aimed to give your feet support. But if they start hurting after a while then the position needs adjustment, same as if you don’t feel them being there.
Also keep in mind after some time / months they will needs readjustments as the support pieces start to wear out and or your feet have got used to them.
Hope this helped a bit at least.
Any expert advice is good, but in the end it’s your feet and your feel of support comfort :wink:


The above advice is sound.
Start with the piece in the inside position. Find the piece that you can feel pushing on your arch. You want to support your arch not force it upward. Go ride. If your foot hurts it’s probably too tall. Once you find the right height then play with positions. I have one foot that likes it 1 position outward compared to the other foot. I also found that moving them forward or outward, as they were wearing out, did not agree with my feet. I get about 2 years on the bike before having to get new arch pieces.
Someone needs to start a swapping site so people can trade unused pieces to avoid having to buy everything again.


I have had right glute pain issues on and off for the last 10 years. Just from frustration I have started throwing things at the wall and seeing if they stick, so I put in the highest insole insert that came with my Giro shoes last week and the change in my pain level was instant! Down to a 1-2 from 8-9. Hopefully with the adjustable nature of the G8 I can get pain free. I have also started an exercise program to strengthen my glutes and hips, but it would have been too soon for that to be the reason I am not getting pain after about one hour of riding.

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Trading spare/unused parts sounds like a great idea!