For the staff:
A suggestion that I bet would be appreciated and worth advertising:
When a workout has to be finished early, one of the options should be “parenting” - and the software should recognize it and treat it differently than current “Time constraint” option (that is, assuming the time option does something to affect your training plan). Parents who get interrupted by a short nap, or crying fighting siblings, should have the software treat that differently.
It’s a bit tongue in cheek but worth considering even just for advertising sake.
I think that’s already what options like time constraint and equipment issue do
Parenting should be a handicap on your FTP. 10 watts per child?
Reverse weighted avg over 21 years?
How would it change things? Whether you consider it parenting or time constraint, the outcome of the workout and the change to the following workouts is the same, right?
Yea as I said, it’s a bit tongue in cheek - wouldn’t change anything likely software-wise - but I bet it could be advertised as something special and parents would enjoy it. Anything to boost the brand - I want TR to stick around!
For example, if it was a parenting interruption, maybe a suggested “finish-up” workout could be suggested by the software. You dealt with the crying, hop back on the bike an hour later once your spouse comes home, you had done 75% of the workout, what could/should you finish now. Anyways just a random thought…
As @ArHu74 mentioned above, that’s what the “time constraint” option is meant to cover.
That said, I’ll pass your suggestion along to the rest of the team.