Feature Request - Device Connection Prior to Workout on Desktops

Mac laptop user here. Am I missing something about connecting devices? It seems that the only time to connect/confirm a device is after a workout is started. I find this to be really inconvenient, especially since group workouts where there is no pause ability (understood). In Zwift the device connection is independent of the route/ride. I’d like to see the ability to get devices connected in the configuration I want prior to starting a workout. For those of us who sometimes connect to TR and Zwift or RGT at the same time this would doubly by a useful feature to ensure that each platform is connected correctly.

If I’m missing something here and not understanding a current functionality, I appreciate some direction/clarification or direction to another thread or help page.

Thanks, everyone.

Use Devices menu on the left side menus.

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Thanks, Chad. I’ll fiddle with it prior to my next workout launch. I must never have noticed it on the left in the general settings!

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