Feature Request: Ability to Mark a Custom Workout as a "Test" so AT ignores it and no post ride survey

Actually, there are. Take a look at what Hammerhead does in its community forum. I just got a Karoo 2, so I’ve been in the forum. I’m not saying Hammerhead is perfect by any means, but I think it is a step in the right direction, especially with the “Known Bugs and Issues” thread.

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If you’ve been in the software industry you don’t even have to look.

The real point is - if you have a high traffic forum, having a feature request tag or sub thread is like having a dual edged sword. From a company point of view, it may be best to either actively manage it by providing status, or stop thread tagging and redirect people to a feature request submission (with legal language you are submitting without ownership claims). Certainly worth a discussion at TR.


Yup, agreed.

The forum is worthwhile to discuss the various options, pros/cons and such. Nate specifically pointed to liking the back and forth, and the times that it leads from one initial concept to a better solution that serves more users or does a better job at addressing the initial concern.

I do think that if people really want to make sure TR knows their idea or concern, nothing beats a direct email to them. The forum should be a second step, IMO, adding to the ability to consider as mentioned above.

Beyond that, it can be a major distraction with repeat “Are we there yet?” questions and dead horse beating that does little to help TR or progress the discussion for other users.

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