Do you adapt TR trainings outdoors?

I do TR (and other) structured workouts outside fairly often once the weather warms up. As long as you can find a stretch of road that works for a particular workout, I don’t buy the “indoor is always better” claim. Of course, if you are coasting into turns for 20% of each 4 minute interval or hitting 15 stop lights in your 2x20 workout, all bets are off but if you get creative with route selection, and aren’t afraid to do loops if necessary, it can work just fine. I live smack dab in the middle of a big city but I have a couple “work out routes” including a nice 2 mile loop in a subdivision where 99% of the time i don’t even have to slow for corners much less stop. I have no issue with hammering around that for an hour whole folks look at me funny, My only real issue is it is a 15 min ride from my house so a 1 hr TR workout takes more than an hour with transit time. The trainer is definitely more efficient most of the time but that does not mean you can’t get the same benefits outdoors if you do it right.

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