Did my first climb over the weekend, thank you TR for aerobic and sweet spot torture

I definitely would not have made it without getting base-fitness in order. I live in Dallas which is ~300’ of elevation and scheduled a 2-week trip to Albuquerque, so I took the bike and decided to do my first climb, from 5200’ up to 10,500’ at the top of Sania Crest. It was awesome. I didn’t know how the altitute would affect me so I decided to sit on 200w for the two hour climb; next time I’ll sit on 220w knowing what to expect.
It was nice to be able to do this climb, as a flat-lander in the high-desert. I did not get a chance to look down, over the city because there was 3’ of snow at the top. The descent was extremely cold, lol.

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Right on! Great job @TLRozzle :boom:

I love your Strava note :rofl: