Counter-Intuitive Adaptive Training Result

Hi all, I had a slightly counter-intuitive result with my adaptive training today I wanted to see if anyone else has had similar experiences and can help me understand it.

A month ago my ftp was reassessed and my levels were set as shown in this image:

I’ve since followed a month-long block of my base plan and changed my levels to this:

So you can see I’ve raised sweet spot and threshold levels but my VO2 has dropped a bit because I wasn’t set any VO2 workouts during the base plan.

My ftp was reassessed by AT today and I was a bit surprised to see that my FTP has decreased by 1W, despite my gains in threshold level and SS level. Is this normal? Can my lack of being set VO2 workouts really have outweighed my progress everywhere else?

Hey there,

Nice work on your recent training!

Keep in mind that it can take time + consistency to bump up your FTP. If your recent AI FTP Detection had a drop of one watt, I’d interpret that as essentially “maintaining” what your current FTP has been.

Your Progression Levels, however, have certainly gone up – which is still a sign of progress! :muscle:

If you continue training as you have been, I think you’ll eventually start to see your FTP increase as well – just remember that it takes time. :slight_smile: