Anyone run these? How delicate are they? Compared to the GP5K STR?
Considering running them on my TT rig for 12 Hour Worlds, but a bit concerned if they are up to the task or not.
Anyone run these? How delicate are they? Compared to the GP5K STR?
Considering running them on my TT rig for 12 Hour Worlds, but a bit concerned if they are up to the task or not.
They’re great. I’ve been using them all season, including two 100 miles TTs and a 12 hour all on UK road surfaces!
Maybe not quite as fast as something like the Corsa speed, but much more robust!
So you would trust a relatively new pair to not have any issues with a 12 hour/260 mile tt?
I would trust them… I just picked up a set for an upcoming 100mile Fondo. I was previously using corsa speeds for over 1000 miles of road riding with no issues.
On the other hand, I wouldn’t trust the schwalbe pro one TT.
I used a set of the GP5K TT this year when I did Seattle to Portland (206 miles) and had no issues. The tires have hit some shit too, including some small gashes in them prior to the event. Overall I’m a huge fan.
Note: I run them tubeless with sealant. I’ve also noticed that they inflate a bit wider than expected.
IW 25mm: 32mm wide
IW 21mm: 30mm wide
Yep I have a GP5K TT fitted to my disk wheel and haven’t had any issues.
It feels far more sturdy than my Corsa Speed which feels like it’s made out of a bin bag.
FWIW I believe I heard that Ineos ran these for the Tour (or was it the Giro?) and had no flats. Seems hard to believe that, but I know many pro team run them on road stages, so they’re not a super delicate TT-only solution.
I’ve run these on my road bike (28mm with plastic inner tubes) and had no issues, general riding on less than perfect road surfaces as well as races on pretty much the same. Went with them for their superior rolling resistance and was wary they could be flaky but they’ve been spot on.