Carbs At 90g Per Hour And Blood Sugar Crash

I’ve also upped my carbs per hour to the 90-100g range. I have experience the shaky post-ride crash as well. I also have concerns about taking in a bunch of processed garbage.

For a while I was doing a combo of organic maple syrup in the bottle and shot blocks for my sugar. My blood sugar felt very unstable unless I put about 10g of protein in my bottle. This got a little expensive and I don’t think I was getting enough fructose to maximize absorption so I switched to raw organic cane sugar and organic brown rice syrup.

This has been going pretty well. I figure the brown rice syrup is essentially maltose (glucose) and cane sugar is sucrose (glucose and fructose). I shoot for 2:1. As long as I have balanced food afterward with protein and fiber I’m fine.

I thinks it’s important to use as “clean” of fuel as possible and get plenty of carbs for both the work at hand and future work. Knowing that protein and fiber stabilize blood sugar is a good guide for recovery nutrition.

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