Cannabis Thread (CBD)

This is the podcast episode that got me interested in CBD. As a personal experience, it has significantly helped me with my Ironman training on recovery days. Here are some notes about the interview

  • Although CBD seems to support sleep duration, there is not yet data on sleep architecture (i.e., stages of sleep, duration)
  • Tinctures might be better. There are advantages to sublingual water soluble delivery:
    • “It avoids first pass metabolism. It gets much more of the active drug into the bloodstream and to be distributed throughout the body. So in theory, you could actually lower the levels of drug that are necessary”
    • The optimal cocktail of sleep according to Dr. Kimless: 10mg of CBD to 1mg THC
      • See Entourage Effect where presence of THC along with CBD could be synergistic.

I have been using an 18:1 tincture formula, taking 9mg:0.5mg an hour before bed. Anything more I am groggy in the morning. Sleep duration is indeed longer and pronounced for me. I check my oura ring every morning, and I do not see anything changes in deep or rem as fas as I could tell.

With that said, I have recommended this to my father who has sleep problems, and he does not like it at all. No noticeable effect on sleep duration or quality with a slightly nauseous feel (no nausea for me).