Can we have more variety in the podcasts please?

I wouldn’t mind a bit more triathlon content. That Kona month was great, but a lot of it was interviews with athletes. I absolutely loved them, but I’d love some swim technique topics, some running topics, with Chad’s expertise and analysis.

As a cycling-specialist triathlete, that would be epic.


I’d love to see something like the kona interviews but before they qualify and then see them at kona again

Is there an official over/under on Everesting references? :slight_smile:

Working at the local bike co-op for five hours yesterday and starving, I drive past - not one - but TWO Popeye’s on the 15-min drive back to the hotel. Now, I’ve only had Popeye’s once in my life, and it was delicious, and I damn near pulled in… then I thought about @Jonathan and his mocking tone when you talk about your binges, and I stayed the course back to a big salad, sweet potatoes, red onions, and grass-fed sirloin. I didn’t want Jonathon judging me in my own subconcious.

I’m changing my route to the hotel. Not sure I can stay that strong.


What ever you do, don’t drink any alcohol! All of my will power is gone when I drink.


I am a recovering (perhaps temporarily) triathlete, but I can’t say I’d want this team talking swimming… for one thing, it’s way outside the scope for a large portion of their client base, and the direct applicability to cycling is almost nil. There are good swimming podcasts out there, in fact the one I listen to periodically is the one that pointed me over to TrainerRoad in the first place. PM me and I’m happy to point you to it.

Swimming and running are such broad topics, especially as pertains to technique, these aren’t things you can just throw in for five minutes and cover anything meaningful. While I can glean a lot of useful info from listening about MTB and Cross and other stuff I don’t personally do, I can’t imagine many would feel the same about listening to a TR podcast that covers swimming or running. Maybe a few minutes discussing what types of running workouts they prefer when away from home and forced to run instead of ride, but swimming? Nah.

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Agree 100%. Few recommendations on running workouts people can do when on holiday/away and no bike but otherwise stick to cycling!

Or, they can cover the topics and let us pick and choose between what we want to try, follow, or ignore (just like any other topic). I get what you are saying on the different sports, but I trust that these guys can cover them quite well.

They already touched on swimming over a year ago (IIRC) and did a fine job on the topic, with focus on new swimmers. As a non-swimmer myself, I’m not the best judge, but from what I do know, they covered the intro just fine.

If they plan to continue support for multi-sport racing (via the tri plans and expected expansion for run and swim workouts), I think it’s quite practical for them to cover runs and swims. As needed, they can pull in outside people to cover them with more depth and knowledge (just like other topics they already handled… aka women’s training related issues via Amber).

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But… it’s the “Ask a Cycling Coach” podcast. Why would I ask a cycling coach questions about swimming, when swimming isn’t going to make anyone except those with little aerobic base a faster cyclist? Running has a little more direct translation, but even then…

I mean, it’s totally their product, so if they determine it’s a great topic, then of course I’ll listen as a triathlete, but I suspect I’d be in the minority. (FWIW, as a coach, I really enjoyed Amber’s contributions about female specific issues. One of the better episodes IME).

I volunteer to start the (paid) spinoff podcast, “Ask a Triathlon Coach sponsored by TrainerRoad”.

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Yup, and as with any product/service that starts with a given name and scope, the eventual product/service on offer may exceed the the original perspective via evolution. It seems quite silly to me to limit the scope of the show coverage simply based on it’s “old” name.

The mere presence of tri plans (and the associated workouts prescribed within them) begs for coverage, IMHO. Couple that with their solid coverage of tri related stuff (the Matt Lieto episodes, the great coverage of the TR tri athletes attending KONA like Emit Kelly and the entire bunch last October, and the future pro spotlight of who’s name escapes me now).

They can and will go where they see fit, but I expect tri related discussion fits right in, even if it’s for a lower percentage of their users. If not, why would they even bother to maintain the existing plans, not to mention the planned expansion into the future?

It seems crazy to me to expect them ignore a particular portion of their actual customer base.

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They don’t ignore that segment of the customer base; that segment of the customer base (which includes me), needs cycling coaching arguably more than anything else. They discuss running some, but again, if they’re going to do a swimming deep dive, I’m not sure how effective that’s going to be in a single episode anyway.

While the business of producing cycling training plans certainly calls for triathlon plans, particularly in the US where the sport is arguably bigger than pure cycling anyway, I’m not sure the AACC podcast should try to be all things to triathletes. With respect to the podcast, they’re the best in the business in terms of discussing cycling training, and IMO they should stick as closely as possible to doing that one thing as well as humanly possible. I’m n=1, but I get my swimming stuff from someplace else that’s just about equally good with respect to swimming as TR is to cycling IME.

We can just agree to disagree. Or we can exchange violent threats via PM! :laughing:


This makes me laugh :smile: So much preparation, testing, gear talk, training, tactics … so few loose bolts. Hopefully enough time has passed that @Nate_Pearson can laugh about it too.


I ended up with a pair of loose water bottle bolts in my A-race gravel event. I had to stop and fall off a group to fix them. I was kicking myself instantly for not doing a complete bolt check (I had done the ‘Nate’ stem bolt check) but missed what should have taken 3 seconds… and kept me in a better position of the race.

Lesson learned, I found a set of loose bolts on my hardtail before a race this weekend, that went off without a hitch mechanically.

As they say, hardest learned lessons are the ones that stick. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would you go get Popeyes as a celebration/reward for a particular result? I know @chad has a beer and @Jonathan has a fancy seltzer…popeyes for a stage race win for @Nate_Pearson?

FWIW I had a burrito and then ice cream as my reward for my race this past week

Happens to the best!

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:rofl: Quite literally… one of the very best indeed.

I feel so much better now :laughing:

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I saw a guy during the Leadville Silver Rush a few years back tightening a main pivot bolt on the side of the trail.

Ever since then, I’ve done a full bolt check before races, although have missed some. In JPs gravel pursuit a couple of years ago, the shifter dropped off my bars at about mile 100, and came about 1 inch from being chewed up in my front wheel. That’s now on my bolt check list. Like you say, the best lessons are the ones learned the hard way.

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My A gravel race was yesterday. On Saturday I torqued every bolt on my gravel rig just because of Nates experiences. I’m very thankful.
The two buddies I went with both had issues. One with seatpost dropping and the other with drop bars moving on bumps. I had 0 issues.

Thanks Nate.

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Yah, I’d have something better though! :slight_smile:

I think the guys discuss too much for the non subscribers to TR. I reckon the free podcast should be related to the TR product and answering questions around TR with the aim of educating and promoting. I reckon members should have exclusive access to interviews, training advice, diet etc. I know people who use other online platforms that we wont mention here but love the TR podcast. I say make them join TR.