Bug Reports for the new Desktop App

Hello TR,

  • Platform: Mac 10.11.6 El Capitan
  • Version: 2020.12.0.87 Beta
  • Devices: Wahoo Kickr (1st gen), Assimoa Duo, Tickt HR
  • Connection: ANT+
  • Mode: ERG/

I haven’t used TR for the last 6 weeks but came to do Tunnabora -5 this evening and noticed that after loading the workout, it started straight away, even though I wasn’t pedalling. I continued with the ride and once finished, loaded Acho as a test to make sure it wasn’t the previous ride that had a bug. What I noticed was that there is no Pedal to Start notice which i’m pretty sure has always been there and then once you start to pedal, you get the 5 second countdown. So I tried turning off ‘pedal to resume’ in settings, restarted the App and it was now waiting for me to press start. Went and changed again, but the Pedal to Start notice was still not there. I switched to the release version and this did have the pedal start and waited for me to start pedalling.
Is this a bug or have you changed this feature maybe?

