Bogus Progression levels?

The change in progression levels following a ftp change (increase) doesn’t seem to make any sense. As an example I completed Taylor +3 (PL6.2) and then had a 4.3% FTP increase. My VO2 progression level decreased from 6.2 to 4.4. Taylor+2 (PL5.2) is at my new FTP is almost exactly (1 watt difference) what Taylor+3 was at the old FTP.

Basically I have done PL5.2 VO2 workout one week ago but my VO2 PL shows 4.4. Has anyone else noticed that the PLs are reduced to much when FTP increases?

FTP can go up without your vo2 max increasing, but only to a point. Generally most people are at ~80-85% of their vo2 max for FTP but some can get to ~90%.

I would ask how you rated those previous workouts? If they were completely maximal then it makes sense to not make them harder just because TR bumped your ftp number up.

However if you felt you could have gone harder I would select a harder workout and then the tr ai should get the idea.

Here’s the official answer


Also none of the other comments addressed OPs question. The new combination of raised ftp and progression level put them at a lower absolute vo2 level than before. IOW the next vo2 workout would be regressive from the last one


Yep. I know was just trying to put some attempt at explaining whatever “logic” the tr ai was using to not bump them up.

There are lots of issues with the progression levels but it’s something tr has stuck to so :man_shrugging: I am sure everything will be perfect with 2.0.

That’s a significant FTP increase :muscle:

I big drop in Vo2max PL is to be expected - I don’t see anything particularly wrong here.

Either see how the next workout goes (that’s what I recommend) or if you’re sure pick a slightly more challenging alternate.

I do find that sometimes TR can be a bit conservative with Vo2max after a FTP increase of coming back from time off - I’d rather that than them being too hard though.

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I mean as @Gnome pointed out the new vo2 workout is easier than the old vo2 workout. I don’t see why that should be expected.

Congrats on the FTP increase @Yukonranger !!! :tada::tada:

As per the article @KBryan416 mentioned:

My FTP went up, but my Progression Levels reduced - why?

When your FTP increases, the Workout Levels you were completing at your prior FTP may be too challenging at your increased FTP. By reducing the Progression Levels, and in turn, upcoming Workout Levels, we can offset the FTP increase and serve you the right workouts for your current capabilities. This keeps your training on track and ramps up the difficulty of your workouts at a sustainable rate.

@Twowkg the Workout Level of the workout may be easier, but that doesn’t mean it’s technically easier, as their FTP has increased.

As @kevistraining mentioned, let’s go ahead and try the next workout to see how it goes at your new FTP @Yukonranger, and your PLs will adjust accordingly to your new FTP number.