This from Instagram says it all
5 year old bike is getting a little long in the tooth.
and i thought 8k divided by 5 was 1,600 not 1825.
Classic backwards maths.
So, my 11 year old bike has only cost me 7p per day. BOOM.
Forgot to reduce the price by the amount you sell it for after that time.
Lol - more like math for people who can’t do math…
So does it add up when you have multiple bikes like multiple coffees? I mean I need an afternoon coffee to survive…
This is or will end up on r/BicyclingCirclejerk
That’s not bike math, that’s the coffee math I used to justify owning a coffee machine and grinder worthy of a professional barista!
The bikes on the other hand have been justified entirely by the savings on commuting costs, gym membership fees and (more tenuously) rarely having to buy new clothes because I haven’t changed shape in 20 years…
Right number of bikes:
N + 1 where N <= S - 1
N = number of bikes you currently own
S = number of bikes that results in divorce