Beet Juice or Tart Cherry Juice as fuel?

Any reason (aside from cost) for not using these juices up to 60g/hour?


taste is the first thing that comes to mind.


Tart Cherry Juice has per 1 fl oz

Total Sugar 3.84g

Glucose 2.29g
Fructose 1.56g

So the ratio is not too bad

I love the taste!

Any reason to use them over the usual maltodextrin/fructose mix?

They are generally used post training not during.

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I’m not a fan of beet juice. Spouse loves the stuff.
I do put some tart cherry juice in my bottles some times to break the sweetness of mixes. I mix it with coke sometimes (cherry cola). Too much, too long causes me some stomach issues.
I drink the tart cherry and eat the frozen ones for the inflammation reduction properties. I have arthritis in my hands. Celery works too. As my doctor said “ not sure if it will help but it’s real food so it can’t hurt to try. “

You have to dig deeper then what I’m about to write.

Tart cherry juice is used only after the efforts to promote muscle recovery due to high concentrations of the polyphenol anthocyanin, the problem is that the thing that’s great for recovery also blunts adaptations, therefore you only see people in the know using it on grand tours.

For the amateur is basically useless unless you are trying to prioritize recovery over adaptations.

ps: all of this assuming the science is correct

ps2: Trainerroad should do a podcast on the subject (not sure if they already did)

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I was buying powdered beet back when that fad was alive and strong (if it still isnt?). It was just kind expensive and gross. I bought bulk amount at a big box store (like 6mo worth) then never used it again. Idk if it ever made me better, probably not in a noticeable way. I just use table sugar and salt now.

I drank alot of beet juice back in my tri days…really didnt notice any performance gains…I did notice my pee started to look like blood, so there is a reason.

Besides the fact that beet root juice is :nauseated_face: (iirc Coggan even wrote a review about beet root juice there was a performance gain provided you didn’t have to vomit)

I consider beet/tart cherry juice to be more recovery than fuel unless we’re using the word fuel for anything than can benefit performance. Tart cherry is for anti-inflammatory purposes and it’s supposed to help you sleep as some of the compounds are supposed to help produce melatonin. The beet has the nitrates which turn to nitric oxide that causes vasodilation so increased blood flow which might be good for performance as well as recovery because who doesn’t want more blood flow? If I remember from an old AACC podcast that Pete was on he said that any performance gain from beets are accumulated through consistent consumption so just taking some now and then is not effective. Just be warned that beets are high in oxalates so if you’re prone to oxalate kidney stones you’ll not want to go this route.

I tried wonderbeet beet/cherry mix from the grocery store and it tastes pretty good but pricey to make a habit of. The feed also sells some concentrate shots which I was going to try this past summer but thanks to their warehouse move problems they weren’t able to ship them so I don’t how know they do. I’d also just suggest the whole food route and just eating cherries and beets. Raw beet tastes a lot like carrot to me so I throw them in salads often. If you don’t want to turn your fingers purple during prep buy the orange beets as they have most of the same benefits minus the anthocyanins found in the purple. They also do well in a roasted veggie melange as they do well with dry heat. Boiling makes everything suck so don’t boil, roast. I had my fastest metric century this past summer the week after and of I had been eating beet laden salads and cherries were continuously on sale at the grocery store. Went out hard trying to make myself cramp and didn’t succeed at that. There may have been many beneficial bits lining up to make that ride go well so it’s hard to say how much the beet/cherry diet helped but it certainly didn’t hurt.


Killing 2 birds with one stone… sugar + all the other good stuff.

Will look into this stuff.

Wonder if there’s a big diff between making your own and organic high quality stuff you buy in a spmkt (not from concentrate)

It’s just fuel if you look at the sugar content.

By that metric you’re just as well off going with grape juice. Grapes are one of the fruits with glucose as the foremost sugar (ripe bananas are another, for cherries it’s fructose), plenty of anthocyanins for antioxidant/anti-inflammatory and way cheaper and easier to get. There was even some mention of grapes increasing TTE or some such malarky but I haven’t read that in a while. I drank the 100% juice cran-grape for a while since cranberries also have a handful of beneficial compounds in them while we’re on the topic. Might be worth checking on but again might just be all the sugar and thus we’ve come full circle.

True. But even if performance benefits are null. Sugar + nutrients is better?

Got to be honest; I actually really like the taste of the Beet (usually + Apple) juices, but I’m not sure I could do sufficient quantities of them. They’re just such a strong taste that I think I’d get palate fatigue really quickly. This is the same reason I do Malto rather than Dextrose - it’s just easier to put up with when you’re trying to get a ton down.

That said, I do think if you were doing a long event I could have one bottle of it as a different flavour.

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Yeah. I was thinking for 1-2h workouts mostly. 8oz is 20g of sugar.

My understanding was that the nitrate impact takes at least an hour to bring on - so you’d not get any of that side-benefit.

Maybe as your first drink in a 2+ hour event / session?


Regular beets will do that to me too. I’ll eat anything except beets