Anyone using a muscle oxygen sensor for complementing TR workouts

I’ve continued to mess with Humon to hopefully keep it somewhat functional once they turn everything off. The iphone ap still worked today. I ran both TR’s ramp test and Humon’s (30W increments x 3’ going one interval (30W) above estimated FTP). The two values were within 1 W of each other. Almost too good to be true.

My initial hope was that while doing the ramp, the Humon data field(s) on the Garmin would turn red right at FTP power or perhaps by some reproducible offset. No dice.
Won’t bother with the details but those colors are a mess and it’s not a simple change from green to red as they SmO2 graph Humon gives you with your FTP result would imply.

Plan B was to record the SmO2 and power on the Garmin while performing the tests, import everything into Golden Cheetah and look at the data. Since I know the FTP that the two tests spit out, maybe there is some fractional decrease in SmO2 or slope of the curve that Humon uses to calculate out FTP. Still parsing this data but it doesn’t look too promising so far.

Best would be if Humon just released their algorithm so you could do Plan B without trying to reverse engineer it. For example: FTP is watts when SmO2 drops to 90% below max SmO2 for at least 3 seconds or whatever.