Am i too old to keep building?

It’s the rolling road race mid volume.
ssb I and II mid volume
general build mid (I’m halfway through, starting my rest week now)

The thing is it’s light on volume for me (historically), and I did have to adjust a bit to the intensity at first. I generally find on a normal day, with good cooling and air quality that I ‘just’ finish the hard days right as I’m ready to tap out. I do sort of dread them going in. :smiley:

I sort of expected that I’d come back a bit faster to be honest, but I appreciate that with the stress of life right now, and with the significant reduction in volume I’m getting consistent decent gains after each block.

Given the year, and the situation I thought I’d give a full plan a shot and see how I get on. Why not right? I love that I can just look at the app and see what needs to be done and not have to worry about it.

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