Adaptive Training not calculating my outdoor (non-PM) rides?

Are your outdoor rides a TR workout that’s been set to “outside” or are they just “rides”? I’ve had adaptations from the former (admittedly on a bike with PM) but also with rides on my MTB without a PM just HR data.

AT seems to require that it knows what the intent of the ride is so that it can compare that with the actual outcome. Otherwise while it can analyse the ride it has no way of knowing if that 15 second “sprint” really was a sprint or just you pulling away from a junction.

Actually I’ve just looked at your calendar - it seems that your outdoor rides are just freeform as far as AT is concerned in that they aren’t associated with a TR workout. If you want them to count towards AT’s calculations then associate them with a suitable workout, so if you are heading out for a three hour endurance ride find a workout with roughly the same profile, add it to your calendar then either push it to your head unit and do the ride/workout or do the ride then associate it afterwards. Then AT will set your PLs accordingly and offer adaptations.

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