Adaptive Training Closed Beta Update

Important safety tip!

I was thinking of these worlds colliding:



Anywho, it was underwhelming.

  1. TR workout didn’t want to load on Garmin. Everything looked fine. Wasted a half hour. It finally loaded.

  2. Forgot how much I despise TR’s use of Step Power Average on the default Garmin workout screen. Its terrible user experience, anyone recall Alex on the podcast saying he can’t ride with lap power average being display? Thats the only power number you get because of TR’s design decision. And that is one major reason why I stopped using TR’s outside workout over a year ago. Imagine a TR app where you don’t have 1-sec power displayed (for example 177W), and just a tiny real-time graph of power and average lap power. Now imagine because of traffic the first 20 seconds of a zone2/zone3/SS interval is 0W and how you are now stuck looking at a really low average power number. Very poor user experience as compared to structured workouts from Garmin Mobile and TrainingPeaks.

  3. Ended the ride, it auto-matched, but no survey on TR mobile app. No survey on TR web. Had to load the completed workout on TR web (on my mobile phone) and click the 3 dots to update survey.

  4. No progression updates, and based on some posts in this threads I’m guessing TR viewed it as a fail and didn’t update levels.

  5. TR still doesn’t show target power on the completed workout.

A few screenshots of my outside workout between 75-85%, with a bunch of short interrupts due to Friday night traffic.

Original workout targets on TrainingPeaks:

On TR with Tempo highlighting:

Some short traffic interruptions.

Calendar view this morning:

Survey I dug up after poking around TR web interface last night:

Gave it a “I didn’t struggle with this workout” rating:

And after that screen rated it Moderate.