2400 Calorie energy drink

I’m looking at this for events in the 8h to 80h duration range. So studies that say the maximum intake over 3h was 30g don’t necessarily mean I can’t benefit. I’m supposed to be riding a 200km event in about 4 weeks but may not be able to go. That would have been an opportunity to experiment. I’d expect to burn 5000 calories so getting 3500 of them from a single bottle sounds like it could be something to try.

For 80h duration it doesn’t work as I can’t obtain the ingredients mid ride. Last time I did that I carried loads of Maurten gels which worked well though after about 70h my stomach did start to complain. :rofl:

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In the video they said this was an “8h” bottle. Things change at those durations -

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re watched; he uses a 750ml bottle

If anybody manages to dissolve these quantities, even with warming, please let us know. This is not easy :smiley:

90g of maltodextrin dissolved in 200mL is ridiculous feeling from my point of view. You end up with a glass full of sugar before adding the water :thinking:

I just copied the recipe that appeared on-screen. I suppose that 450ml might be the amount you would start with, then add as needed to fill the bottle?

I can pretty easily get a 375g 1.5:1 malto:fructose bottle made up. Two of those and my Ironman nutrition is set. The key is to basically mix it with boiling water the night before and let it sit. The malto needs to be exposed to water for a while before the clumps get absorbed. Experimentation is key.

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Yeah, I’ve always mixed my malto with hot water from the tap the night before and let it chill in the fridge. Never had a clumping issue.

In the video they use some kind of fancy blender/processor. Wonder how well it was actually mixed?

You can put 6 glace Dunkin Donuts on a high power blender with water and have the same calorie intake on a bottle…
Or just eat them… its better (more delicious) that way…


Did you watch the video? They clearly stated this kind of thing is aimed for something like an all day ride.

With 500g of maltodextrin, it’s obvious this bottle is intended to be an 8+ hour bottle.

I didn’t but someone else said that it was intended at an ‘8 hour bottle’. I’d still argue that 120g of fat for an 8 hour race is way too much and if you were doing a 24 hour race then 360g of fat is a ton.

but it’s not just any fat, it is a specific fat.

I would say it’s not any more obscene than going out for a 4 hour ride and consuming 360g of carbs(sugar). As long as the MCT’s don’t slow digestion of the carbs, I don’t see the problem, unless you are actually consuming more than what you are burning.

I’ve got a 12+ hour race next weekend that I would totally love to rock this for, but I don’t have the time at this point to test it so I will be sticking to what I know works this go around.

My biggest question is if it’s shelf stable enough to still be ‘good’ 8 hours later. If you took a bottle of Hammer Perpetuem and left it outside unrefrigerated for 8 hours it would be like drinking spoiled milk.

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Agreed. This is they key to me, also why I’d be a little reluctant to make it warm water.

To be fair, the reason the hammer would go rancid is from the protein(soy iirc)

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I’ve had maltodextrin drinks go stringy in 24hours. Still drank it.


Getting into the weeds on the topic of the thread but what’s the point of ingesting fats vs burning fat stores. A carb/glycogen deficit is still a card deficit no?

i THINK this is related on how the body access fats.
Like the one you ingest are there to be use more efficiently and faster, while the store one takes longer to convert…

I might be wrong tho…

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Nice work. This recipe is about double :smiley:

The other point about MCT that the cook in the video mentioned is that it makes the drink – even though made with water – have a ‘thicker, smoother’ texture, more like drinking a milk-based smoothie. Some of it was about taste / palatability.

In English?

I’m seeing most sources listing 30gr as the top end of MCT consumption per day - but a lot of those are focused on health gains, not just wanting the calories.

Anyone wanna risk a few chamois and try to do more?

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