Z Pack and Race performance

I have an A race coming up on Saturday, but I just can’t kick this illness I’ve had for 9 days now. A doctor I know has recommended a Z Pack. Will I be able to get over the impacts of the antibiotics in 5 days and perform well? If you were in my shoes, would you take the antibiotics and hope to get over those effects or just hope that my body can clear this out and that I’ll feel better by race day?

I’d want to know what the illness is before throwing antibiotics at it.


I’m not particularly aware of any effects from the antibiotics themselves besides possible stomach upset, but that’s different for everyone. A Zpak is a loading dose of 2 tablets on the first day, with one tablet per day for the next four. The idea is that the antibiotic keeps work for days after you finish taking it. If you have effects from it you would likely have them for longer than the 5 days of actual use.

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