Your personal best way to lose some fat - anecdotes / experiences / examples of what kicked your ***

I definitely wouldn’t say it was the best way to lose fat but my 2p story FWIW. I was circa 11.5st (73kg) when I left school 30 years ago. At college I developed Pancreatitis (docs don’t know what caused it and why it miraculously cured its self), but in the space of a month I was down to 9st (57kg) :open_mouth: I gradually built my self up, starting drinking helped with that, to around 10.5st (67kg). I then started cycling and around 10st (63kg) was my stable norm. In contrast to the classic symptoms of what happened next I gradually rose to just over 10st (65kg). Then bang, bowel (colon) cancer was diagnosed and the operation lost me in a few hours 3kg. The big weight loss was chemotherapy though and only then did I see the classic swings in weight that the cancer was supposed to have caused (it didn’t). My weight fluctuated between 8.5st (54kg) and 9st (57kg). Nearly 2 years post treatment it seems to have settled down at around 9.5-9.9 (60-61kg).