Why does Threshold feel like hell?

This is good point, and reason why I like to train Z4 either 95-98% or 102-105% range – to be either side of steady state that can fluctuate day-to-day anyway.

Of course, 40k TTers might want train exactly at threshold to learn balancing there.

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One hour @ FTP squid game anyone? :grimacing:


People will do anything but ride to RPE.


That’s because it almost always leads to a number which is lower, and if that number isn’t tied to self worth, what’s the point of riding at all?


I don’t find RPE to be a good guide for an all-out effort, when I pace all-out (by feel) I don’t go by RPE.

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I wouldn’t call riding at threshold “all out” , maybe something like vo2 intervals, sprints, ramp tests and 8 minute tests.
I am Not perfect with RPE either but I do know the feeling of “if I go any harder I’ll blow up.

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It is if that effort is about an hour long.


Only for the last 5-10 minutes though. The first 20-25 minutes doesn’t feel that bad but then it starts to go to hell pretty quickly.

But that’s the same for a 10 minute MMP, it’s the last 2-3 that are all out. 5 Minutes, it’s the last 60 seconds, and so on.


ain’t that the truth!!!

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