Where did you ride OUTSIDE today? (2019 & 2020)

@jmt I’m very lucky to have these the majority of these rides literally just outside my door, and the rest (like Zermatt or the Dolomites) a few hours by train or car. (There were a several rides planned for 2020 that were a couple of hours by air, but alas…) I’ve been in Switzerland for four years and have maybe another 2.5 years here. Each week I roll out savoring the opportunities as if it’s my last week. This certainly makes it hard to train indoors or roll on the tri bike, which doesn’t lend itself to taking in the hills and the views. Soon after the turn of the century I guided a blind triathlete (a fast kid 15yrs younger than me) for several races, including Escape from Alcatraz, which fostered in me a greater appreciation for the sights and opportunities of trail running which I think carries over into the gravel riding now. (I’ll get off your couch now.)