When to change testing powermeter

Hi all, I have been training indoors using a wheel on powermeter which has been fine so far, the problem I have is that for my races I will be riding a different bike with a crank based powermeter. I want to start riding this on my turbo and using the crank based meter to control the turbo. Is it best to do this at my next ramp test so i know my FTP figure based on the crank powermeter instead of the turbo based one? If i do will my ego be hit if I don’t see an increase upon my old FTP (if the meters show a different power)?

Hope I have explained that well enough but if not please shout.


  • Yes.
  • Tell your EGO it has no place thinking about your FTP.

To reuse my prior info:


  • (picture that scene in Fight Club where Brad Pitt does the “YOU ARE NOT YOUR…” monologue)


  • Take if for what is it… a data point used to set training zones.
  • It does not define you as a cyclist.
  • There is so much more to your identity and abilities on a bike.
  • Ignore the tendency to measure yourself against others with a such narrow metric.

What chad said is correct, FTP is just a number and no matter if the reading changes between meters you’re still putting out the same power.

But also, if possible, you can put your wheel on powermeter on the bike with the crank powermeter and have both numbers displayed to compare the readings for both across a range of power outputs. This will at least give you an idea of what to expect when you retest with the new meter so you aren’t totally surprised by the difference.

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