What's AT up to?

Chad’s right!

The forum is a great place to discuss training, cycling, nutrition, and to share TrainerRoad experiences, but isn’t the best place to ‘get to the bottom of’ an issue. Support knows best and is the quickest to provide up-to-date info, look at your internal ride logs, and the full scope of your workouts and plan for the most accurate insight, and to make any fixes if necessary!

From the ‘Welcome to the TrainerRoad Forum’ Page:
Have a question about the app, your training plan, or device? Reach out to support@trainerroad.com instead of posting here. Our support team has the best visibility and insight into your devices, workouts and adaptations, and will help get you the most efficient and effective answer to your question.

Closing this thread to prevent further confusion for other athletes with specific questions about thier adaptations, and to try to reduce a bit of clutter on the forum.

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