What workout did you do today? (2020, part 2)

that’s one long arsed ride :expressionless:
Watched anything worthy while on the trainer? :smiley:

Bashful+2 - or “how to pay for Friday’s excesses”

Had one drop, in the penultimate effort of the last set. Music wasn’t doing it for me, and I fumbled to skip forward, thus engaging the spiral of death.
Oh well, lesson learnt, next time, plan ahead, or just grit your teeth and cope through whatever-rubbish-was-playing.
10 mins extended Z2 before I had to get to the office.


No, I’ve actually done plenty of long rides, up to 4 hours. The only thing I watched today was a blank screen with occasional peeks at the workout screen hehe :slight_smile:

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<serial killer alert!> :smiley:


Looking at the push you gave it at the end, I can’t help but wonder whether you might squeeze out a couple more Watts for your FTP if you start at a touch higher pace and not have enough left in the tank for an increase in effort like that in the end? I could be completely wrong though!

Was the 5 hours of Z2 on a trainer? That’s freaking impressive in its own right on a trainer!


McAdie +1 for Saturday, 4x12min over-unders. First set was a little screwy due to an incompatibility in workouts with my riding buddy. Squeezed in a fifth set since I had enough time and to make up for the goofed up first one, plus it kept me warm since it was -3C and damp out. :sweat_smile::cold_face:

Antelope (5x10min SS) was scheduled for Sunday, which was supposed to be cold and dreary, and we were making our Thanksgiving dinner then, too (didn’t do it Thursday since the kids had school). I went outside at some point in the morning, and it was sunny and downright warm at 1C :smile: Given the choice, I prefer to do longer intervals, so I picked a route that let me do 20min, 10min, and 30min. Got home, grilled the turkey, and did my best to get under 4 W/kg :grin::poultry_leg:


Baxter -2 yesterday and petit today. Recovery week how I love thee.


Mills , last 4 at 120% of FTP ( or tried anyway )


Nice work! Did you cook your turkey in a kamado? Cool!


Yup! Added a couple pictures to the post. Advantage to a kamado is the moisture retention, so the bird doesn’t dry out (helps to not overcook it, too, like my parents, “we cook it to 200F just to be safe” :man_facepalming:)

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It looks perfect!!! What a great idea.

Pettit. No big deal in itself but since it pops up regularly as part of the recovery weeks it’s interesting to look at the progression over the last few times, May, Sept and today, that I’ve done it. (I’ve spent nearly as long doing this as the actual workout :joy:)

Some of this data has come from Intervals.icu

FTP: 266 → 266 → 272
Average HR: 121 → 116 → 111
Power/HR: 1.42 → 1.46 → 1.60
Efficiency factor: 1.39 → 1.44 → 1.55
Decoupling: 4.8% → 3.8% → 2.4%

My HR is interesting in that I look at the histogram in intervals.icu for each workout and it’s not just the average that has dropped but the whole graph has shifted to the left, i.e. downwards, each time! In May the biggest bar was for 120-124bpm and I spent over 20mins in that zone, today just 45 seconds.

So even though my FTP has only improved slightly, my efforts at lower intensities are much more improved. I now need (well I don’t really!) to check how I’ve improved with a workout in the 70-80% range.



Hi Dwayne, with both the 5min and 20min efforts I went out at just below the pace that I held before my off-season break. I felt that as I hadn’t done any Z4+ in 6 weeks my top end would have dropped a bit. Turns out it wasn’t as much as I’d expected so I pushed it in the final.

The 5hrs was done outside thankfully, Ive managed 5 hours on the trainer before but man it was tough!!

Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:


Grinding the last twenty minutes, found that harder than expected but happy that low cadence was in my legs. Nothing worse than getting to the top of the ADZ and having 10 minutes of the interval left, impressed myself that I managed to get to the end even without the visual assistance. There was no catching me down that decent tonight :crazy_face:


During the warmup I was thinking “no way, I just can’t do this today. Why is this so hard?” But it went fine. Four days in a row off the trainer might have helped after all. And now I get a recovery week. Yay! :blush:


Hugely extended Geiger +2 :slight_smile:



FU Spence x2.:kissing_heart: WTF TR? Are you trying make me die alone in a basement?:rofl:
The last time I’ve had my diaphragm lock up like that was after getting punched in the guts at boxing. (I’m looking at you 4th interval).

To be fair to TR, it’s been seriously hot in Aus lately and I haven’t slept properly in days. I was drinking beer in the pool with my bro at 11pm last night. The sun, birds and small child had me up shortly after 4am.

Anywho, a special thanks to this thread. Without it there’s no freaking way I would’ve suffered through that.


I was so looking forward to my Recovery Week after four weeks of SPB. Turns out I can’t even read a calendar!! :joy:

So, straight out of SPB and into SSB II. Brilliant. :hot_face:


Tickr continues to fritz. I definitely stared at the Live FTP until I hit my current FTP and then immediately stopped, so yay my brain, way to seize literally any opportunity for self-sabotage. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: