What workout did you do today? (2020, part 1)

Heart rate looks good. Not too much drift towards the end hey? that is it did not climb much compared to the first interval

Beech, the reintroduction continues:

You know youā€™re in a bit of a state when freaking Beech makes you think golly it feels good to be back on the bike.

This is a fantastic write-up. Maybe split it into its own topic? A product owner would love it.



Did Bashful+1 yesterday as part of the low volume sustained build:

It was really strange, the first three intervals of the first block felt as the heaviest.
Heart rate was the highest (184, my max is 201 in 2019 outside) then and felt the most tension in my legs.
In the fourth interval it felt like the tension broke in my legs and my heart rate wouldnā€™t really go above 177 for the rest of the workout.

Might be something wrong with my trainer in terms how it manages the resistance (itā€™s on ERG) the highest watt donā€™t feel the same all the time, but when I get to a recovery interval it does really feel lighter.

I mean TR makes you faster and fitter, but I cannot imagine that I have gotten that much fitter to be able to have such a low HR at 125% of FTP.


1st hard workout back after 3 weeks sickness, was a little nervous but actually went surprisingly OK :grinning: (Spanish needle on Sat may be a different issueā€¦)


Itā€™s an evil ride, but the sprints kind of make it more manageable. Itā€™s something to look forward to

Should have been Carpathian Peak +2 but a total failure very soon into the session has made me realise that these type of workouts do nothing to help me with my target events which will be exclusively 10 mile time trials lasting no longer than 25 mins. I need to re-evaluate what is in SSBMV2 and remove the workouts which just straddle ā€œ100% FTPā€ as average power. TBH for me I believe this intensity is equally as much of a grey zone as tempo is often considered.

My intensity needs to be higher than this with races done at 1.08 to 1.1 IF but not yet, getting a good base from sweetspot is what Iā€™ll aim at and then get some good VO2 work done in 6 weeks or so in a power build phase. I can safely say that at 53 years of age doing 54 minutes at this intensity is going to drive me into a big hole if I just mindlessly ground through them.


Mount Field in place of Beech as part of my recovery week. Legs felt a bit dull but then Iā€™d done a dayā€™s hard physical work yesterday so perhaps not surprising.

Iā€™ve Glassy-2 (instead of Andrews) tomorrow then itā€™s some holiday leading in to my first event (itā€™s a C event) of the year next weekend. Then starting the Build Phase a couple of days after that - Sustained Power Build here I come!


Lots of folks crushing SSB2 and Build type workouts so feel bad posting Z2 stuff.

But itā€™s weightlifting and endurance season in my cave.

Last night was day after leg day so bit sore. Did 1x45 at +/- 10 watts around VT1. Typically use TR templates like Seneca Rocks or some custom templates, and usually pick a workout that is longer than what I have planned in case I feel like riding more.

So ignore the workout template in the background and just admire the nice 30 min at 190w and the 15 min that follows poking along about 175 with a couple stands to give my aging butt a rest toward the end :-]

p.s. ā€“ am working toward 90 min at this pace and then will start dialing it up. Building the engine back up is b-o-r-i-n-g


Tour de Zwift Stage 2 short distance - might as well call it a 30-min FTP test.


Jepson today. Got nervous about it and treated it seriously. Nailed it and now feeling better about the workouts to come.


Lamarck this afternoon!
Felt hard all the way through every interval but managed to keep onto of it just about

The workout confirmed my FTP is near enough to what I have it set too

The average of the intervals was 3 watts less than my ftp is so Iā€™m counting that as a win!

I have even got my self out of leconte at the weekend by booking onto 2 races! Easy weekā€¦


Haha I feel bad that I havenā€™t incorporated strength training yet even though I am in the build phase.
A shoulder injury prevented me from doing any strength workouts for a couple of months but I was able to do the base phase.

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Goddard, but I pushed the intervals a bit harder
Followed by a short brick run (rTSS = 30)


Yes it was consistent but think it was mostly because i was hitting close to my ceilling even in the first interval: 150-155 is the red zone for me on a bike and I donā€™t think my HR can go much higher in the cold garage while pedaling.

Eclipse - 90 mins with 3x20mins SS - felt a bit like hard work - just as well I have a day off tomorrow before Avalanche Spire+2 on Saturday - weekend weather looks good if cold in the UK so hopefully I can get out for 3-4 hours Sunday with my friends rather than doing 2 hours SS :yawning_face:


Carson + 20min Enduranceā€¦ solid 1:30h of workā€¦ felt pretty easyā€¦


Galena +2 in the glorious outdoors! Thatā€™s a wrap on GBLV for me (discounting the last week of recovery workouts). The last couple weeks of it were pretty brutal to say the least, felt good to end on a successful note. Last interval was briefly interrupted by a tractor blocking the entire road, but other than that it was mostly smooth sailing.

+ 2 mile z2 yog after.


Geiger used to wreck me, those 12 minute blocks arenā€™t nothing. But today was solid work!


Mount Field.

36 minute of straight up tempo never felt so hard. Coming off from being sick last week, still dragging into this first week of my plan builder.

  • Started the workout on my Minoura Rollers, one of the rollers basically blew up?!
  • Switched to my Kinetic Rock and Roll after the warm up because of this
  • Did the workout fasted, I felt like I have been over-eating at night and a fasted ride felt right
  • RPE and HR was very high for this effort
  • Sleep has been OK but having a very hard time waking up on time for the workout, need an earlier bed time.
  • I did a full run on SSBMV1 before starting this plan builder yearly phase and took a week off of riding inside (recovery) week and just noodled around a couple days in the week prior so I have been off the bike more than preferred.
  • B race coming up next week? Iā€™m on the fence if itā€™s worth the drive now.

Iā€™m going to plug in an endurance ride tomorrow morning and try to get outside for a workout this weekend.


Monitor today:

Did well. 6x6 minutes of sweetspot.