What workout did you do today? (2018/2019)

Man, that was tough - Carpathian +2 didn’t disappoint! My HR was elevated right from the warmup, but my legs felt fine, so I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. My FTP is set at 289w, and I did each 16min. set with an average of 294w - damn, the last 6 min. of each set were very challenging. I was glad to cross that one off!


First “failed” workout of SSB1 MV, Palisade. Not sure if I should blame my legs, or the fact that I slept till 10am and woke up feeling blah, or that 300w ftp is harder with my Assioma pedals compared to the Stages, but my HR at the top of the first block was already 180 and I knew it was gonna be a bad day. Had to dial back to 95% about halfway through, and still barely made it as I was screaming at myself on the trainer to hang in there.

I did ramp test with the pedals when I switched to them tuesday, so it’s not a case of wrong FTP. Eclipse on the schedule tomorrow, and I don’t even want to think about McAdie +1 a week from today :face_vomiting::skull:


Watched Fast and Furious. Shit movie, but enjoyed and laughed. Everthing becomes nicer while riding. And then got pumped with a Liam Gallagher gig. Went fast.



Nice job sticking with it though! I did carpathian +2 today (post just above yours) and I find these just really mentally tough, but sometimes the legs just aren’t there.

Interesting comment about the pedals - I ordered the Assioma duos last week and have been curious to see how the power compares to my decade + old PowerTap wheel. I’ll run them together for a couple of rides first to get a handle on the difference and adjust my FTP as needed.


The pedals will probably read a little higher since they measure two sides closer to your body. My old stages simply doubled my left leg which I found out does about 52-54% of the work, so my numbers were getting inflated by 4-8% depending on the situation. The stages was also less consistent since I ran it with the pedals together for a week some days it was 4% higher, some days it was more like 8, some days it read the same.

Thanks for the info. One of the reasons I really wanted the duo pedals was because I wanted to see if I had an imbalance in my L/R. I had surgery on my left leg almost a year ago and was curious about how it’s performing relative to my right leg - and if there is a difference maybe incorporate some strength work.

I’m predicting the pedals will read a bit higher than my PT for the reason you mentioned, but the PT wheel is so old, I’m really not sure how out of whack it might be.

Juneau -1 today, plus 15 mins endurance. This was planned for yesterday, but the wife had errands to run and I had the kids, so ended up just having time for Taku. Going to add 15 mins to tomorrow’s workout as well (Tallac +3) and will end up with appropriate TSS for the week


Back from 2 weeks of travel, Taylor-2 felt better than I expected.


Lactate Threshold testing today with some extra ER. Good ride.

Data and graphs will be over in the MLSS thread for those with interest (link below)


I did Kaweah today. This is shortly after a nice bump in FTP, so it was tough. Honesty questioned if I could make it, 50min at 96-99% of new FTP. Got it done, felt good.


It was time to get outdoors today, with 60F and sun, and rolling into the rest week at the end of my first-ever TR block (well, the hard-work part of it). I’m gradually working in outdoor base work, keeping the priority on my TR work.

Yesterday was Palisade. It was actually quite a bit easier than I anticipated, though my currently-shallow base came home to roost toward the end.


I typically struggle with over unders a bit, but the stars aligned and I destroyed on Palisade tonight. Just felt really strong and good through it. I think my FTP has gone up a bit, but I was still over threshold. The valleys felt like they cleared fast and I just clicked today. Efforts 4 and 5 felt easier than 1 and 2. I’m sure I’ll get put in my place tomorrow though, lol.



That was more mental rather than physically tiring but now if finished my legs have a lovely ache.

Coming up to the last week of SSB2MV which I know is going to hurt


83Mins of 93% SS work, hard after yesterdays 121Min and terrible sleep.
SS nr 10/25 in SSBHV2.
440Min SS work this week with avg 92% (upped FTP from 344-350 for next week).


08 dec 19
Cumberland, done on the TT bike, with a 20minute run off the bike.
I made two mistakes, forgot to open the window to get some fresh air and I didn’t take any calorie during the bike, and I felt it on the run.


Wright peak -1 - starting to feel like easy mode :metal:


Geiger +2:

Another one for the Sunday Sweet Spot Club. Legs were still feeling Kaweah from yesterday, so this was rough.


More Z2…


Baxter -2, this is the second week in a row that I’ve worn myself down to the point of not being able to do an under/over session on Sunday. Got some things to look at as far as time and stress management if I’m going to hit my adherence goals. TSS is going to be ok, just missing out on that specific near/past ftp stress. Think I’m ok with that at this point I just have to place a value on every non-structured ride I do as an unplanned (and fun) group mountain bike ride presented itself in thurs eve after a SS TR workout in the AM.


Screenshot 2019-12-08 at 17.03.37

I said I was going to pick something a bit easier. But I didn’t. After Leconte yesterday this was hard going and I feel really jaded now.

Highest 2h power for at least 3 years.