What workout did you do today? (2018/2019)

Did a ramp test followed by Petit. 6% increase in FTP which I am pleased about as this is from a 4 week round of self created bastardized form of periodized endurance training. This, while also dropping 12 pounds and a shift in diet to a more low carb focus. I was informed I was pre-diabetic in October so decided to get the ship moving in a healthier direction. So given all this going on, I am content with the power improvement.

Now I have four weeks off the bike as I’m going in for a Hernia repair next week. Doc seems adamant about this much time off the bike…I will do a ramp test once I am able to see how much fitness I lose…


Good way to finish the week



Either yesterday was a fluke or I suck at over-unders, likely a combo of both. Did Eclipse today at 100% prescribed intensity, TP has my Pw:Hr at 2.4% for the ride, definitely picked up my mood from yesterday.


Looking at your HR in the workout I am wondering if you have resting HR like 40? your heart pumps tremendous amount of blood every stroke.

Reinstein. This one was pretty tough. Haven’t done overunders in a while, so I wasn’t as prepared as I could have been. Thinking I need to stock up on gels for thee next few weeks of workouts. Banana between intervals one and two didn’t really hit in time for the last interval, which felt like a slog.

Glassy. This workout is really deceptive. On paper it looks pretty easy (and even the IF suggests that), but with the residual fatigue of Reinstein in my legs, it made it much tougher. I ended up ignoring the drills because I was so focused on maintaining my spin and motivating myself through the workout (and because I couldn’t maintain the correct power when standing; note the surges). So happy to have full rest tomorrow and looking forward to today’s nap.


Back to training with an easy Pettit today after a bit of a flu. Feels good to be back again.


Palisade flogged me to submission, but half a banana before the last two intervals was my salvation. Pettit is looking mighty nice for the next workout.


4th indoor workout this week for a total >400TSS. Sustained Build MV is going ok. Now I just need to Rinse repeat …


Try 28 … seriously. I’ve monitored overnight a few times and usually end up @ 28-34 bpm.

Unfortunately, that stroke volume doesn’t seem to result in anything special out on the bike!

Stick to the doc’s advice on those 4 weeks off. The US medical system is usually way too flippant about hernia repairs, claiming to get patients back to full-go in days or a week or two. The Europeans typically say 6 weeks off / light duty.

If you put too much load on a hernia repair too early, you can cause nerve damage and scarring that will cause a lifetime of pain.

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Thanks for the info. I will definitely play it safe. The Doc said it is important to not have it fail as it will greatly increase the likelihood of another tear and that sets up a revolving cycle of reoccurrences. As I already seem to heal much slower than I used to, i will definitely focus on not pushing it. It will be tough as I have really gotten into a training groove this winter… Thanks again!


Super busy at work, derailed my Thur-Sat workouts and so I did an opener today.


Easy does it today…Disaster is on the menu tomorrow :crazy_face:


Legs definitely felt heavy and tired, but the numbers still came in. Interval 3 was sore, but the HR was low and it was doable.


O wow…I know that ejecting fraction do not causes performance increase but having this low HR is way cooler - like a conversation piece. It is something very abstract when your HR max is similar to other HRs in Z1:D

Busy weekend. Too much drinking. Not enough fuelling. On the Saturday didn’t have bike shorts so I cut short the iron butt ride to save myself for Sunday. Well… HR was super high (higher than my usual sweet spot)… Now I just did a ramp test last week so sure it’s gonna be harder.

But I made the executive decision to stop after an hour.



Taylor -2. I’ll switch this week into a rest one, for all kinds of reasons, but I kept the 30/30s, because I know I can do those all day long.

I know I must have been bugging my fellow Zwift riders to no end by passing them, slowing down, passing them, slowing down ad infinitum.


First time doing this ride. First ride using Plan Builder as well. I was five weeks into a build phase before cutting over to what Plan Builder recommended. I moved the FTP test to tomorrow for scheduling purposes.

My legs were feeling it in the middle interval. I did find the text motivational and I handled the final 20 minute interval much better.


It’s disaster week!
Kicked it off with Monadnock +6 this morning. Worked in some low cadence work on the first three intervals then bumped up the endurance to 75%

Finished the day with a 2500m swim and a 6mile run


Well done, I had Eclipse yesterday which is very similar and found that the last interval was a bit easier mentally, probably because it feels like the home stretch.