What is latest on outside rides/races being included in PLs? (Unstructured)

No, for inside workouts.


@hpbieker Can I suggest you start a new topic for this, otherwise your request for a new feature will be lost in this discussion.

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on that note… I’d also like to be able to skip or shorten a recovery valley. essentially have the same audio button interface but for workouts: pause, play, stop, forward, backward. Essentially a more potent lap button.

Right idea to post these suggestions a separate topics for discussion and tracking by TR vs tossing them into unrelated topics like this.

With respect to the suggestion for adding intervals on the fly, here is the existing topic for people to use.

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As mentioned above related to TR outside workouts performed on head units, I am able to do this (FFW, RWD) on my Wahoo and am pretty sure similar options exist on Garmin.

I understood the original comment to be in the context of inside workouts on the TR mobile App. Outside workouts are more malleable to ones taste with the lap button and the options the headunit and it’s workout interface provides.

I‘d like a forward/backward button for inside workouts on the TR mobile app. But as others mentioned maybe this request should be moved outside by either you or the person that initially made the suggestion. It’s a valid one imho.

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TIL scrubbing trough TR workouts.

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Are you planning to release updated plans tailored to one’s available time to train together with outdoor PLs?

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This is also something we’re working on! We’d like to change it so athletes can specify how many hours they have to train each day, and then their custom plan will reflect that input.