What do you do for entertainment while on the trainer?

Sweet Spot and under grand tour rides either current or old stuff. Loomg forward to following TDF in a couple of weeks and will be watching the Olympics when that starts too.
Anything above sweetspot it’s Spotify, usually hip hop or rapm

Pretty controversial, but I enjoyed it all.

But the series is so uneven…
such great series with such a bad ending…
It was Lost all over again…
I guess not every series can be Breaking Bad (a great series through out its entire run)

My Saturday morning ride for the last few months is what ever came out on Disney+ the night before. So I’ve watched wanda Vision, Falcon + Winter soldier, and now Bad Batch. It’s usually an hour ride, so those first two series were great. BB is only a 22:00 show, so I fill out the rest of the time with old Dr Who.

70s BBC broadcasts and “archive techniques” means it doesn’t matter how much sweat is in my eyes :smiley:


I’ve been timing my rides to coincide with the end of whatever is on GCN+ that day. Have managed to catch some great racing. Likewise their documentaries have been quite good for lower intensity work. But the fact that they have no iPad app (no web access for me in my area) really really really annoys me.

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Like a lot of people here, I watch TV series during everything except ramp tests, where I just listen to music. I can’t watch anything too complicated or I’ll miss chunks of plot during high intensity intervals. I tried watching something with subtitles once, and that did not go well.

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or is it cat videos?

Can’t remember, whichever one the internet is for :roll_eyes:

Actually nothing, I just do time based maths in my head - 1/6th through the interval, 1/5th, a quarter, etc. “Happy halfway!”


Mostly the Ask a Cycling Coach Podcast, Phil Gaimon and GCN on YouTube for easy workouts. For some longer sweet spot or threshold workouts I’ve watched Pete’s and Nate’s full races. I once stopped pedaling and almost hit the brakes when people in front of Nate looked like they were braking and coming back too fast.

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Today’s ride was a easy Z2 and I read a book on my phone while TrainerRoad was being followed on my iPad. I’m currently reading “The Stand” by Steven King, I can only read during endurance rides, I’ve tried during sweet spot but I am not at coach @chad level just yet.

I usually run Zwift at the same time for visual interest, but I mute it and listen to music. Sometimes I watch races on Red Bull TV or YouTube instead of Zwift.

Listen to Tool

  1. TrainerRoad on iPad
  2. Zwift on Apple TV
  3. Zwift companion on iPhone
  4. Music (either on #2 or #3)

Running Zwift with TrainerRoad together is what keeps me feeling engaged with the workout, like I’m turning the pedals for a reason and moving accordingly (at least virtually). Otherwise, I’m bored out of my mind.

Tempo and below movies / TV shows
Sweet spot and above mostly old races plus music. Or bad plot / high action movies.

I’m sort of out of TV series for tempo and below, so I’m on the lookout for good suggestions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m watching westworld now and it’s f’ing weird.


But weird :rofl:

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For anything higher than Z2, I usually rely on race recaps to pull me through. It’s prime time right now with Giro, Dauphine, and upcoming TdF. For Z2 efforts I’m watching random videos on YouTube, documentaries and movies on Netflix, or rewatching The Simpsons series.

I loved the movies: west world and future world

Where is it streaming?

If you’ve seen the Star Wars stuff, I highly recommend The Clone Wars series and Rebels series, both in Disney+. It’s the best if Star Wars.

I usually play poker (fake money), watch tennis, or some movies.


I love the gcn videos, especially the climbing ones. Matt and Lloyd really keep it going/interesting. Or I listen to a podcast and do a workout program. Don’t just start pedaling without a goal plan.

Not a huge Star Wars fan. I watched the old ones as a kid, then watched some of the newer ones but didn’t pay attention to what order they were in or anything. Decided to just watch them all on D+ to get the whole story. I might check out the new series