Understanding TSS - max, min, sustainable

TSS is a tragically flawed metric & you should pay attention to it as a tertiary measure or at most a secondary measure. TSS is a rolled up summary of efforts that we pretty much all admit encompass three different energy systems…that’s the primary reason it doesn’t work well.

As a thought experiment, consider two athletes that have heard on a podcast that most athlete who qualify for a certain event have a TSS of 100 or more. Ok, so both athletes resolve to achieve a 42 day average TSS score of 100. The first athlete goes out every day and rides at Z2 until 100 TSS are accumulated. The second athlete goes out every day and rides at threshold for an hour. Do both athletes stand the same chance of success? Most of us intuitively understand that you can’t do an hour at threshold every day for over a month…but that it is well within reach to accumulate 100tss of Z2 work on a daily basis (but still hard!).

Not all TSS are created equal!!!

My advice to a newish cyclist would be to concentrate on consistency & really just do the minimum amount of training that results in improvement for the first three months or so. Increase volume as needed when gains from your current training volume start to plateau.