TrainerRoad Team on Zwift

I would be keen for racing with a TR team :slight_smile:

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Me too :+1:

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I am doing some research and put in a particular question, and will reply once I know more.


I think group workouts and longer weekend rides might be fun. Haven’t tried TR’s version and probably will not due to privacy concerns; you wouldn’t want to see my ugly & sweaty mess anyways.

TR PRL? I still need all the routes greater than three hours.


Ouch. I did that once (years ago, so no badge) and it was a chore. I could possibly be talked into doing it again… :open_mouth:


I did the Seven Days of Tarmac SL7 stage today while doing a TR workout and was thinking the same thing about the colors. Just swap Specialized for TrainerRoad and that jersey would totally work.


Come to think of it, this might be an opportunity to get in some “long Sunday” rides. Might be able to use the Meet Up function, even combined with TR Group Workout to keep it chatty and interesting. Hmmmm…

Maybe look to set a schedule for one of these every 2-4 weeks as we get into the Fall training season?


Well, TR probably isn’t going to spring for a Zwift kit and Zwift probably isn’t going to allow it anyway. The old black and red classic kit was my go to “TR” kit for a while, but I’ll sport Spesh now since that’s what I ride too.

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That’d probably break my computer. :rofl: I’d have to move the setup back inside at the least, run the workout on computer, Zwift on iPad or something.

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LOL. Well,I am flexible and can see what works for you and anyone else who wants to do something like it. Could be fun even if simple and Z only for text chat.


I’ve been working my way through the route badges this year and pretty much all I have left are the long ones. The thought of free riding them is very depressing, but in a group workout type format they could be cool.


I’d be interested once I’m riding more inside. Our riding season is a whooping 6 months (two of which are shoulder at best), so I’m trying to make the most of it! Following though :slight_smile:



For me it’s mostly about finding five hours to ride!


I can find 5hrs if I get up and go outside at o’dark thirty. But, I’m lucky if I can get 1hr if I choose to stay home/inside. Out of sight, out of mind works best when it comes to cycling for my wife since we had twins last year :smile:


Been getting the Zwift badges (almost there with 96/132) and have some of y’all on my follow list. Add me if you want as I have TR in my name.

Lately though been riding outside more and a bit of Z2 via Zwift (no TR workouts) so riding the routes for the badges.

Edit: my Zwift name = Eric Boyd: RCC ATL / TR


Not twins, but samesies. :blush:

I got six hours two weeks ago on Saturday, but used it to turn in a fast century with my clubmates.

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I would totally join a TR team. I’m a Cat D racer at the moment (thanks to the Quarantine 15…kilos :hot_face:) so not sure how much value I would be to the team, but working my way back to fitness!

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If we get one going, I think having the full range of A-D categories covered would be great. Essentially, a come one, come all sort of group where we include everyone.