TrainerRoad forum LLM for ChatGPT?

Hey TR team,
Have you guys used the trainer forum to make a custom ChatGPT model yet? Get a custom LLM going!

I think this would be great. Every new post topic and comment can be used as a GPT input and all the answers that 99% of people here need would come out almost instantly.

AND you could use it to create a series of chatbots with different personalities (like, “Any other 4w/kg riders find zone 2 boring?”, “my kids ruined my life”, “thinking of doing Leadville”, “AI underestimating my FTP again”) that automatically reply to the poster and save us all the trouble of writing meaningful replies like, “Indeed.” None of this chat or interaction even needs to be visible to anyone except the poster. Could save a lot on moderation.

And maybe get it to make some new funny memes!
(Or just turn off commenting?)


All those so called AI answers always seem really dumb to me. They seem to dig up a lot of facts and use fancy well constructed sentences that sort of hide the fact they are clueless on what they are talking about and often just make things up

Besides that, the engagement here can be a learning experience


it would be terrible because there’s a lot of bad advice here


I’m pretty sure OP was being sarcastic, but the quality level was ChatGPT 2. :drum:

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The issue is that LLMs do not consciously select good information, they merely produce output that mimics the input. I wonder what answer you’d get to “What is FTP?” if it was trained on the posts in this forum :rofl: