The worst gel eater of all time

On cleaning the bike of sugar slime, it’s an amazing thing. Regular road dirt and grime is right there–you can see it. Somehow sugar slime hides–it’s transparent and you can’t really see it well until you get after it. I use a paper towel with degreaser and water and it sort of reveals the sugar slime because the paper towel sticks to it. That crap finds its way into every groove and slot on the bike. It’s on the inside of your front and rear derailleur, for example–you just don’t know it. It loves every surface of bottle cages and even hubs. I’m convinced it’s worse that bird crap in terms of eating away at your paint and metal. And yet still I down the sugar. 100+ grams per hour even as I pay the sugar tax to my bike and clothes. I’ve come to terms with it. I’m not fighting it because I can’t win. I’m just learning to come to terms with it and live in peace.