The Triathlon/Ironman Training Thread 2025

Good month of training here
40k swim
455 bike
80 run
4.5 hours of strength
5k and 6 mile races
Last Friday I did my first outdoor ride since the crash in August, I rode at the Dismal Swamp trail in Chesapeake VA so no cars just a confidence builder, did not push hard but held a good steady pace. I felt comfortable in Aero, my new Tri Rig scoops are incredible. I Looking like it will be in the upper 60s this weekend so hoping to get out there again.


January was not a great month for me. I was sick 3 times, ending out the month with the flu. Feeling much better now. Today is day one of official training for the year, so stoked about that. I’m doing 4 races this year, 3 Oly’s and a 70.3 I did a years back. Taking a year off from a full distance IM. Ending the year with XTERRA Lake Tahoe, which is one of the coolest races I’ve ever done so should be a fun year!



[quote=“JoeX, post:429, topic:89606”]
think at the end of the month, or three or four week cycle would be a good time to review - maybe we can add that reminder into the roll call.
[/quote] and @Bbt67

So I’ve done a TR custom bike plan for five weeks, but it’s been interrupted by life events. Did a vo2 max session today as the first workout of the next block and AIFTP says no change.

I missed three of the short endurance, and one and a half of the hard sessions, so not great but not terrible imo. Realise I’m only talking about bike here but it does feel pretty easy, physically.

That’s on FTP builder, Demanding Approach recommending three hard and one short easy per week. So I’m going to up from the recommended four days to five:

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Nice. And sorry for asking but you schedule runs and swim around these bike sessions?

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Yes not much at the moment for reasons previously mentioned but aim is to run on the hard bike days and swim on the days between.

I’ve done a couple of Threshold days with a swim before and a run after.

Will see how that goes for February maybe switch up to HV HD in March or April.

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Still asking myself the question if that approach is also not better for me. My runs are just simple build volume at normal pace so the only workouts I follow in my TR HIM plan are the bike workouts.
Bit those are not really challenging ( but maybe also not needed to ).
And when my run volume Will be higher it settles it self my plan.


First time entering this thread…looking forward to a great year. Two key races are IM Gulf Coast 70.3 in May, and either IM NC 70.3 or IM Florida 140.6 in fall. Interspersed are some local international distance trips throughout the summer. Given work demands I’m being more realistic with time and priorities and goals, and thus using TR’s LV plans and will add on volume when there is time.

That said, had a great January with some quality sessions done. Good balance of volume and recovering for this aging MOP’er. February looks OK too, though March and April will be less active due to work and travel.

Good luck to everyone!