Strong fan for indoor training

OK, I did search and read some old posts, but before I try the Lasko I’ve heard mention, I’d love to hear from folks that love a strong wind on them during hard sessions. Like wind tunnel. Like 20+ mph headwind. Like riding outside. Like enough to keep sweat from dripping in my eyes. Anyone found something strong enough that doesn’t sound like an airplane? Thanks! Home Depot sells 5’ industrial fans, that might work…

Go for this. Try one and if you like get another. More than 2 is overkill imo. Really good fan and like no other I’ve ever tried before I got into the ’blower’ fans.


I recommend at least 2 of those blowers, 1 at front for the face and chest, the other at the rear at hip height for the back. Hit both of those surfaces for best coverage and core temp cooling.


1 of those Lasko’s from Home Depot, Amazon or where ever should be sufficient. It would also depend on your pain cave and air circulation. If you’re in your garage, maybe open the garage door or window open to let the cool air in. If you’re in a bedroom converted pain cave, try to position your trainer and fan to circulate the air from a window. If you’re a heavy sweater no matter what, definitely get a 2nd fan and follow Chad’s advice.


I have two laskos and two headwinds, certainly overspent but works so well

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The Lasko is a great choice. Love mine. Replaces the two fans I had before.

I will say that if you’re in a room, leaving the door open during training helps a ton. Even with a door room and two fans and the AC at 72 my cave can still get pretty warm.

You need a lower temperature not just more fan.

The best thing I ever did for my indoor training was move it to a room with a wall mounted AC. Set it to 60F 15 minutes prior to starting and you’ll train sweat free.

If you look around you can find a stand alone AC for like $50 in the winter. Even new, they are like $150-200.

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I have two and they are on remotes that I “borrowed” from the missus that she used for her Xmas lights. I use one in front and one in back of me. If they powered on/off using Power or HR that would be awesome but I’m still using a dumb Kurt Kinetic trainer from 2014’ish so it’s a push of the button.

I also have a round pedestal fan that can be used for z2 when I’m not dripping.

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Another vote for a couple of those lasko fans being more than enough. Move a ton of wind, more than enough to keep you cool.

The Lasko is pretty quiet. Much quieter than a basic box fan and it puts out a ton of air in a focused pretty focused beam at a decent speed. I don’t know what the actual speed is but its around 20mph. It is the fan you want.

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I use an industrial floor fan 18” from Screwfix it’s quite noisy but there is a lot of air movement usually I get too cold! So I have a stick and can poke the angle away if I need to

Can you get VacMaster Cardio 54 in the US?

I bought a special double-pack offer, the second one has never come out of its box as one is almost too powerful…

Another option is Vacmaster. I got one that looks exactly like this, and this is a lot better than the two ordinary fans that I had before that. The remote control also comes in handy, especially in winter where temperatures are in the single digits and I only need more cooling once I have warmed up.


The only issue I have is that it’s too focused. But maybe having 2 would help. I like the larger Vornado fans, as they have a larger area of coverage, but aren’t as stiff of a breeze for sure, which is why I have so many of them.

The faster the wind speed, the more sound. Your best bet for noise reduction is noise canceling headphones. Forcing air into a tighter opening will give you more of a directional flow. This is why the “floor drying” type fans work so well. I use what others here call a Lasko fan for my workouts. It’s a floor drying type fan that uses drum type blades.
I have a Dri Eaz Ace turbo fan in my garage for general cooling while working on projects. It moves a ton of air in a pretty narrow pattern. Makes a lot of noise and you need glasses to protect your eyes if right in front of it.

I have three Wahoo Headwind fans in the front and they are always running at 100% once I have done the warmup.

In addition I added a fan that I put in the window, and this has been big improvement for me as it allows me to get cooler air into the room.

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Focused is the whole point. The CFM concentrated in a tight stream is what makes it feel so cool. Many fans have higher CFM but don’t cool you don’t as much. Two fans works well so you can angle one up into your stomach area and the other on the upper chest. I never tried hitting the back like some have mentioned but I bet that’s nice too. With two of these, I basically feel too cold even when riding hard if they’re cranked up to level 3/3


Ive got the UK equivalent of the Lasko, a gym fan and a 16 inch pedestal fan and whilst they are all good the only thing I found good for keeping the sweat out of the eyes is a headband; I use the Castelli summer one.

I’ve got a Wahoo Headwind, Lasko, and a big Air King.

The Wahoo Headwind is right in front of me and shoots a nice vertical beam of air. The Lasko is to my left side and shoots a more horizontal beam of air. For most workouts these two work really well.

However, if I’m really going hard and want a ton of air circulating around, nothing beats the 18" Air King. It really does an amazing job moving a ton of air. It’s not a focused beam like the other two, so it tends to hit a big area. They are bigger and noiser, but super effective.

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I have a couple of Laskos, one pointed head on, one butt on, but I also put a large fan in my window to draw cool air in from outside (thanks Bernoulli)

I’ve also found tremendous benefit from a couple of Andre Agassi style head and arm bands.