I am a constant glove wearer and I like a bit of padding to them. Numb hands are a problem and some cush has been the cure. How would you rate the amount of padding in your gloves? Minimal? Medium? They look like they have more than none which is more than your competition.
I consider it minimal. For me, that’s good.
Hi Sam! I was wondering if you’ve done any testing on stack height with your clothing? Specifically using a higher stack even on a road/gravel bike to maintain a more aero position more of a race. Thanks!
I’d say medium level padding.
Nothing specifically as part of kit testing as this tunnel time is spent keeping every variable constant besides the changes in clothing.
Someone who’s done a great job showing stack height work is Arne Peters on Instagram
Crank arm power meters tend to be square boxes on the part of your bike that moves most and fastest through the air. How many watts could I save if I built epoxy or wax ramps between the edges of the PM and the leading edge of the crank arm?
Sam, thank you so much for doing this. Already there is lots of great information.
Does Rule28 have any plans for being available for purchase at storefronts? I ask because I was strolling around Putney and wondering if there were stores that I could try-on and pick stuff up in person. Then realized seems like right now it is all perhaps online only. No need to answer if it reveals too much of an important business plan btw.
Secondly, how many people are behind Rule28? Same stipulation as above.
I’ve just picked up last seasons UCI overshoe in vinted (BNWT) for £15. Very pleased and excited to on the road with them.