New wheels - replace other bike parts?

Hi all - I bought new wheels for my roadbike and planning to put new chainrings on the rearwheel so I can change between the old and new ones now and then (not sure if I will use the old wheels at all).

I have read one and another but not sure what to do. Should I change other parts as well: chain / crank? Currently everything rans smoothly and wouldnt care that much if the new chain rings wear out a bit. Obviously you cant inspect my bike but some guidance would be appreciated.

The bike is less than 2 years old and I rode less than 8000 km according to Strava.


I think the best thing would be to check your chain. If it is the original one and shows less than .75 wear you should be OK. If you are not going to use you old wheels then I would move the cassette over. And when the time comes replace the whole lot.

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