Losing faith with new TR plans

Jonathan, as you know I am the OP. So firstly I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

WRT that first line. It’s been acknowledged I believe that the plans were tweaked to allow for better adherence, which I (and others) read as having the progressions start at a lower point, and then ramping up at a less steep angle (and there being more consistency in the ramping i.e. not going 4.5 to 6.7 to 5.3 etc.) so that newer users would find it easier to stick with the plans. I think that’s an awesome thing to do as we all want people to stick with the training.

However, this does mean that for some of the old salts (like me), the plans now start with arguably less difficult workouts, but this wouldn’t have mattered had AT been applied because AT would recognise, for example, that I am on level 7 for VO2 Max and start me there rather than at 4.5.

Therefore, to my mind the plans DO need AT to be effective, as without AT changing the jump off point of the plan, I am being offered workouts that really aren’t as testing as they otherwise should be. So, fine if you are just getting started, but not so good if you have a longer training history.

Agreed, this is the simple fix… I could just simply either go with what Train Now suggests or find a workout in the library to bump up the progression, but to be honest that’s not really what I’m looking for from my plan. I see this being a non-issue of course with AT but for now, if I’m honest, it’s a bit of a negative for me.

But that’s me… and I’m n=1 as people are fond of saying on here. It’s still a great product and I’m still (generally) happy with the quality of the plans and the execution bar some bugs I have mentioned above and to your support team.

Again, thanks for responding, much appreciated.