Legacy Pricing of TR


The plan is to have two different opt-outs:

  1. Stay on your legacy price
  2. Get a 15% discount going forward (middle ground - a few people mentioned wanting this as an option)

The worst case for us would be that legacy people think they HAVE to pay more, then cancel. :sob:

We’ve decided on the opt-out because a lot of people (tens of thousands in our estimation) don’t mind paying an extra $5/month or so.

But we also want to recognize that there is inflation/economic pressure and any change in price is too much for some people. We want them to be still able to use TR.

And some people can pay more but just want to have the honored promise, and I think I’m still keeping it this way by not forcing anyone to pay more.

I also think the year-long grace period to opt out is enough time for someone to see the change and take action. And even if you go a bit longer than a year before you notice message me directly and we’ll talk.

No matter what people’s choices are, they will still have the same features. The next big ones are production AI FTP Detection (including automatic detection), scoring outside workouts (so freaking cool!), and Adaptive Recovery (redlight/greenlight).