Its a sad day to be an American

So your point is to stir the racism narrative with a mislabeled photo? Perhaps you could just delete a completely misleading post?

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This is a place to talk about all things bike or triathlon related (including nutrition and weight training).

My point is politics are allowed based on _____________?

How about a TR Porn thread? We should fluff that up. Or would that offend? Where is the line drawn?

Much easier to set a policy, guideline or procedure and stick to it than it is to make exceptions and have to remember the justification for doing so.

So very clearly, why is there a statement saying, “This is a place to talk about all things bike or triathlon related” when in reality it really is not just for that? Why have that statement at all?

I agree with this. But there is no way you can deny some level of compliance by some USCP officers.
You only need a few to let them in.
It doesnt look good.
All the officers who were working that day should be investigated for ties to Proud Boys and any other Q supporting group.


Again, I am guessing here (TR’s world, not mine), but I think you are taking:

  • ALL things bike or triathlon related to be ONLY things bike or triathlon related…
    • Caps & bold above for emphasis:
    • I don’t think that “ALL” as written = “ONLY”, if that is how you are reading it (correct me if I’m wrong).
    • Coupled with that, if they never intended for non-cycling discussion, I don’t know why they would have included an “Uncategorized” category. If that restriction were the case, I’d expect them to want anything restricted to one of the “real” categories or removed all together.
    • But again, that’s speculation on my part that holds no weight.

As to your following questions, I agree, I don’t have a firm understand of the lines.
As I alluded to well above, some topics are uncomfortable for me from a moderation perspective.

  • I have requested clarification on permitted (and/or off-limit) topics on multiple occasions. I’ve also sought more detail in the guideline text to help with these questions. At this point, what I have is what they placed in that post, as well as what Ivy shared.

Point is, a couple of miles doesn’t make a difference. This isn’t the first time in the last 365 days mobs of armed white “militia” have done something like this.

Incompetence (and probably malice) by the powers that be.

Obvious by the crazy tones running through this thread, the country is no where near United. Enjoy trying to put Humpty back together again (now that was a wall!).


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There’s no stirring left to do, it’s on full boil, matey. Don’t burn yer tongue!

Oops…my bad. It was probably incompetence and not malice which tied that noose.


The declarations by some here that this is the rise of fascism and the death of democracy (for the world even omg), seem a bit overly dramatic to me. I don’t want to downplay the situation rather I just don’t understand how this is different than any small group of extremists rioting elsewhere. In this case, it happened to piggyback on a Trump rally in front of the Capitol. Some news articles state that “thousands” attended the rally, but I can not find a count of the mob that actually stormed the Capitol building. From the pictures, my rough count puts it below 300 but relying on a few pics is admittedly shaky.

Rednecks holding confederate flags have existed in the USA since, well, the Civil War and will continue to exists but do they really make up 25% of the US population like some have hinted at in this thread?


You’ve seen the terrorists from yesterday wearing White Supremacy shirts, yes?

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Wait, you’re confusing your racist conspiracy about the police response with your 100% provable fact that some/many/most of the people storming the Capitol are racist. The racists are absolutely disgusting and should be condemned by all.

I also denounce all of the conspiracy theorists on every side. I’m not playing both sides, as @Power13 has claimed. I’m denouncing both sides for their lies and BS conspiracies. It’s childish and disgusting.

If you think that one side is 100% truthful and pure as the driven snow, but the other is full of lies, then you’re part of the problem.


Yep, disgusting isn’t it. You got a point?

See my reply to @Captain_Doughnutman, you’re confusing real actual racism on full display with your all cops are racists conspiracy/fantasy.


The concept that there is a institutional right wing and racial bias within LE is not a “conspiracy”, it is a fact.


The sitting president encouraging them, justifying their actions, and not condemning them is the difference. These riots were intended to work towards keeping said president in power beyond his elected term. These are some of the things that make this more disturbing than other riots.


But Trump is an idiot and the only thing he sees is a bunch of people that seem to agree with him right? I don’t think he has even bothered to see if they are holding confederate flags or wearing white supremist t-shirts. Of course, I will be the first to admit that I will never understand what is really going on in his head though.

Chad, there’s some very smart people on these wonderful forums, I enjoy reading their opinions. It seems a little conservative to literally restrict what people discuss. Obviously, within reason.

In this case, the title of the thread explains quite succinctly what is being discussed. If one did not want to hear others opinions on the subject, then it’s quite simple really, don’t open the thread. Is that not enough?

On the matter in the thread title. It greatly saddens me, I grew up in New York and Los Angeles. I love so much of what America has given me, and the rest of the world. To see it’s current state, is shocking. I just don’t understand how it got this far, and how something drastic isn’t being done to remedy the situation.

Stay safe my friends.


For the record, I’m not the one people need to persuade in any aspect of what this forum allows. There is no need or benefit in trying to lobby me in any way.

I did share my opinion, but that is me… not TR. I will do my best to uphold any and all rules they provide, regardless of my take on them.


Cheers Chad,

Thanks for explaining.

I’m sure others would agree, I value your continued work.


If you don’t mind sharing, what company? I live in Taipei. Maybe you should come here. Great riding! National healthcare. Covid is/has been under control here. :man_shrugging:


Lack of politics wouldn’t be missed. But, 140msgs on in this thread and it has remained friendly and civil. I think that speaks to the quality/character of the participants on this forum aka the users of TR that this has not devolved into a :poop: show requiring censorship, lockdown, or removal.


Indeed. All things being equal, I trust this group above any other I have ever seen or taken part. We are lucky to have some very amazing people here, and I appreciate that as the key attribute of this group. Close second is the broad depth of knowledge, perspective and experience. Something special to be sure. :smiley: