Is it possible to adapt the plans to a two weeks work, one week recovery pattern?

Thanks, all. I’m definitely hearing that the common theme here is a desire for greater, more individualized control over work to recovery ratios.

The great news is: yes, we are developing Plan Builder updates that will allow for more customization in work to recovery ratios, while still being driven by Adaptive Training.
While the exact specs of these features are still being developed, we’ll be sure to post new information about what PB changes look like as they become available.
@bfrostieone yes, that feature will apply to Tri plans as well!

For @tag and @oldcyclist65: I do want to make sure you have all the options in mind for how to address the feeling of ‘too much intensity’. Adaptive Training is already set up to help you, it’s just a matter of utilizing those tools effectively!Here are some tips:

  1. How post-workout surveys and Adaptive training can help:

Leaning into your post-workout surveys will help Adaptive Training accommodate how you’re feeling in the way it was intended to. It’s safe to say your rest week is helping that work you’ve done take effect, but if you’re still feeling like the intensity is too much moving forward, its important to communicate that in post-workout surveys. While you have done this for a couple workouts over the last few months, please keep marking a workout ‘Very Hard’ due to training fatigue if you really do feel the intensity is difficult for you. Letting AT know will only help better personalize the training plan for you.

@mcneese.chad made this great visual to help athletes effectively respond to post-workout surveys. It can be easy to ‘expect’ it to be difficult going into the workout and that can impact your survey, try not to think about what you expect to feel and instead respond with how that effort actually felt.

  1. Adjusting your work-to-recovery ratio:
    Consider going to Low Volume and adding a TrainNow workout when you’d like an other endurance day.
    You can use workout Alternates to shorten some of those higher intensity workouts when you know you’re going into it feeling fatigued. You’ll still satisfy the requirements of the workout but at a shorter duration that may help you get on top of recovery sooner.

  2. Mix it up and try a different block other than SS Base if you feel the intensity is too much.
    Utilize Plan Builder or Traditional Base blocks instead of Sweet Spot Base. Don’t be afraid to try stuff out with Plan Builder and get a preview of what your workouts would be before applying. You can delete your Sweet Spot Build phase you’re going into and re-apply if you’d like!

Let me know if you have questions about any of these options, either here or via DM, but I wanted to make sure you knew that there are a handful of solutions in place if you’re having trouble with intensity in general. We’re here to help!