🎉 🎉 🎉 Introducing Adaptive Training! 🎉 🎉 🎉

Great! Passing that along to the team!


Thank you. As i said it is not a huge deal but one less click is one less.


For what it is worth, I also love the idea behind having more workout details, particularly duration as I do mine during lunch and need to manage my time during the work week.


I’m still getting missing response quite frequently after answering the survey. Is this bug still known to be open?

I’ve been getting adaptations for both Plan Builder workouts that I moved (i.e. dragged to another day on the calendar), and Plan Builder workouts that I moved and then replaced with alternates, for a few weeks at this point.

We don’t have an AT/calendar changelog, so

  • it’s hard to keep track of which bugs are still bugs, and
  • it’s impossible to know if you’re in a staged rollout for functionality or bugfixes, and
  • it’s easy for any set of behaviors to become How AT Works According to Forum Wisdom™.

No matter what we’re all saying here as far as what works and what doesn’t, the only source of truth for how AT works in your TR account right now is your TR account, right now.


Bump? Anyone?

POTD! And extra points for IP designation :slight_smile: :grin:


I’m sure this has been asked but I can’t seem to find the answer. If my AT plan has a workout scheduled for tomorrow that I want to do today, how do I move the workout to today without breaking the workout’s link to AT? Or if I have a workout scheduled three or four days out that I want to today, how do I do that?

Just move it to today. It will still provide credit to levels. The break only refers to it no longer being eligible for adaptations based on other workouts, so if you’re moving it up, it’s already had all the opportunities it had to adapt.


I did this last week and do not move it on the calendar as it will break the adaptations from what I read. What I did was pull up the app and the clicked on the workout and did it. For your information the workout was on Thursday and it was a Tuesday.

Yes, decay issues addressed/updated. :+1:


Happy cake day, Ivy! :cake: :tada:


That was what I had gathered from a different post I saw. I guess my concern is how to get the workout pulled up on my Garmin if it’s more than a few days out.

On the website, when you switch it to Outside, it should also provide the option to push it to the unit manually. It does this for me with Wahoo, so I assume the functionality extends to Garmin as well. I use it all the time to ensure the workout is on my head unit when I need it.

You can freely pull a future workout to the current day with no issues. It will work fine, you will get appropriate Progression Level updates from the moved workout assuming it is an inside one, or a “proper” Garmin one.

The issue with “broken” workouts is if you move around future workouts on the calendar. Sometimes, those ones won’t be updated according to the change in your PL’s after they are moved. So, move any workout need to the present day to make your life easy, and there is nothing to worry about.


Love adaptive training so far! I’m about 2 months in.

A couple questions/comments:

  • I’m getting a black screen when I try to add feedback after an outside workout on mobile (android). See attached.
  • TR often thinks I “struggled” on outdoor workouts because I don’t hit the power targets. This is usually because of terrain issues (downhills on intervals etc), not actually struggling I don’t want this to affect adaptations. Do I simply select “I didn’t struggle”?


  • Yes, that is best for now, when you know that is the case.
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Thanks Chad!

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Thanks so much!!! A YEAR ALREADY!? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Just finished a workout, based on the App, it scores it “Not Recommended” while on the browser, it shows “Productive”. Is there a possible sync/delay? I would imagine though the AI would be assessing the same workout, and the app or browser is just pulling the same data, just showing in different channels

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