Injured and off the bike for 2-3 months - how to stay fit?

Aaaaah I’m so sorry to hear about the crash and resulting injury :disappointed: .

My main priority is to just recover well, eat healthy, etc.

I think your priorities are straight. Nutrition can play a huge role in your recovery from injury, so make sure to fuel yourself well!

I realise you mentioned that your ability to leave the house will be limited. However, if you can, you might consider swimming. If you can’t kick, you could use a pool buoy to limit the motion of your legs.

You could schedule a triathlon Training Plan in Plan Builder so that there is structure to your swim workouts. The Triathlon Plans schedule between 2-4 swim workouts per week depending on the Plan Volume. You might be surprised at how effective swimming is for cross-training! :muscle:

If you have any questions about the Triathlon Plans, please just send them my way!
Sending you healing vibes! All the best with the recovery.

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