How to train for a 1 minute effort that's 60s @160% or 4x10s @200%?


Data from practicing this 20% climb on my A-race shows there’s 4x 5-10 second efforts, on top of a base at around 150%. The surges are necessary as this is singletrack up and over drainage ditches.

Plan Builder has me doing nothing more than 130%. But to get familiar with the course, I’m doing practice runs outside, which are maximal efforts.

Does the brains trust think I should
a) associate my race simulation with the vO2 workout from my plan
b) associate my race simulation with a sprint / anaerobic workout, to recognise the effort
c) do only the plan’s prescribed vO2 and threshold workouts, inside, and not worry about doing the race course too much ahead of time


Are you sure about this? Workouts like Spanish Needle (30-30s at 150 %) should be part of most TR plans. In the specialty phase for some of the plans have race start workouts where you go hard for a minute or so and then go to sweet spot.

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Workout builder ftw.

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And plan builder.

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Thanks, i think I should have selected a cyclocross or gravity plan, or looked at the workouts in those plans, instead of listing this as XCO in plan builder.

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