How do I tell TR software to trust the process?

What I would like to do is direct a few weeks here and there

So far I tried doing a custom plan with aggressiveness set to max but I’m still getting a caution doing base rides with an IF of 0.63.

Is there a better way to implement TR for this use case ? I think it would be appropriate for the software to be able to know more about my overall TR career and pick up on where I left off in previous years so that if I decide to start fresh training plan I’m not doing 1 hour on monday if my hours per week has been 10+ all year and more like 14-20 in the trainer season prev winters.

Maybe the feature you need would be a kind of foil to the master’s training plan, it’s for people who have seasonal time free and want to ride all day when they can.

Sounds to me like you have enough experience to adjust your training effectively. Try using workout alternates and/or just assigning workouts from the library.

AT will learn what you are really capable of, and adjust future workouts. RLGL will also stop nagging so often.


Yeah it does across a pretty long timescale but I’ve paid for TR enough that it has my data in there, Ithink a feature request is fair.

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